What is TrainingMalaysia.Com?
TrainingMalaysia Online or http://www.trainingmalaysia.com is a service that aims to support and promote training in Malaysia. It is a comprehensive website to the Malaysian training sector which features various training institutions and training courses in Malaysia. Corporate users can obtain information on the training institutions they are interested in and check out the courses/programs and facilities that these institutions offer. Other pertinent sections on the website include CEO/President’s background where users will be able to know more about Who’s Who is the training sector; Suppliers category where users can upload their equipment, facilities, and events online so that viewers will be able to find out more about the institution’s products. International users will find relevant facts to help them assimilate information on the different training institutions and courses offered. At the same time, they can learn more about Malaysia’s cost of training.
TrainingMalaysia’s Aim
To promote Malaysian training both locally and internationally by providing reliable and comprehensive information supported with cutting-edge internet technology. We, at TrainingMalaysia Online, aim to be the No.1 Search Engine for Corporate Training needs in Malaysia with our motto as “The Life-long Learning Resource”.
TrainingMalaysia’s Objectives:
- Providing good training information to both local and overseas audience by delivering informative and practical content of the highest quality to assist anyone involved in workplace learning, training, and development;
- Providing good services to our users by offering quick response to their queries and employing cutting-edge internet technology so that it is a user-friendly site;
- Matching the training demand and supply by connecting the training institutions to users through a click of a button;
- Providing a cheap and effective online platform for international users to reach out to Malaysia training institutions;
- Providing comprehensive, accurate, and current information about Malaysian training by ensuring users can find the information they want as easily as possible;
- Projecting the good image of Malaysian training as well as to support Malaysian training bodies and institutions through our various training write-ups and training courses available;
- Serving as a most powerful and effective online marketing media to Malaysia training institutions where professional trainers or training institutions can freely promote their courses and events here at TrainingMalaysia Online.
To use the power and global accessibility of the Internet to assist Malaysian training institutions effectively promote their institutions and target users from Malaysia and overseas, as well as to be as a communication service by promoting collaboration and cooperation throughout the Malaysian training sectors. TrainingMalaysia’s
To be the most popular and comprehensive web-based reference resource on all issues of the Malaysian training for Malaysians and foreigners.
We can be contacted at:
Webway E Services Sdn Bhd
60-3, Jalan PJU 1/3B,
Sunwaymas Commercial Centre,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Tel/Fax: +(603) 7880 3837
Whatsapp: +6014-669 3837
Email: marketing@trainingmalaysia.com
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