Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (Manpower Department, Ministry of Human Resoursces)

The Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) through its Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (Manpower Department) is one of the major providers of skill training programmes in the country. The Manpower Department’s training programmes range from craft skills to advanced technical levels in the country and are conducted through the following institutions:

  • Industrial Training Institutes (ITI/ILP) offers craft / vocational and technical courses
  • Japan-Malaysia Technical Institute(JMTI), offers advanced technology courses
  • Advanced Technological Training Centre (ADTEC), offers advanced vocational courses

To be the leading institution in developing a competitive workforce.

To produce a competitive workforce.

Assist in manpower usage optimization through industrial training programmes.


  • To organise skill training programmes that produce experienced and competitive manpower in the industry.
  • Prepare and coordinate pre-job skills training to fulfill the demand for skilled manpower in the industry.
  • Upgrade the quality of skilled workers for the industry.

Why Choose Us ?
We have facilities fully-equipped with new machines and technology for training purposes. Our facilities are similar to that of the industries. Students will have the opportunity to train using the machines. Graduates will not face major difficulties in working and  adapting to the industry right after graduation as the training has been designed to match the industry and concentrate on hands on applications and actual technical knowledge.

Course Outline

  • Full-time Courses
    – Certificate and Diploma Technology
  • Part-time Courses
    – Certificate in Level 1 & 2
  • Customised & Modular Courses
    – Depends on requirements by the industry

The intake of full time students is done twice a year in January and July. The intakes will be announced in major newspapers via advertisements in March and September. Application forms are available at all major post-offices or online at www.jtm.gov.my.


Main Block
Administration Office, Resource Centre with Library, Main Lecture Hall, Multipurpose Hall, Cafeteria.

Training Block
Laboratory, Workshops, Lecture Rooms, Lecturers' Office.

Hostel Block
Rooms, Dining Hall, Sports and Recreation Facilities.

Contact Info
Aras 6, Blok D4, Komplek D,, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan
603-8886 5402
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