PSMB’s Human Resources Development Fund
[Source: Training Guide 8th Ed.]
- Profile of PSMB
- Human Resources Development Fund
- Human Resources Development Levy
- Training Schemes under HRDF
– SBL Scheme (Skim Bantuan Latihan)
– SBL-KHAS Scheme
– PROLUS Scheme (Program Latihan yang Diluluskan)
– PERLA Scheme (Perjanjian dengan Penyelia Latihan)
– PLT Scheme (Pelan Latihan Tahunan):
* JURUPLAN Scheme (Skim Khidmat Juruperunding bagi Pelan Latihan Tahunan)
– Joint Training Scheme
– Graduate Training Scheme
– Information Technology & Computer-Based Training Scheme
– Computer-Based Training Scheme (Software Development)
– Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room Scheme
– Special PSMB Training Programmes
– Apprenticeship Schemes
– English Language Training Programmes for Workers - Contact Details
The Brief Profile of PSMB
Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB) was established under the Ministry of Human Resources. When initially-formed in 1993, it was known as the Human Resources Development Council (HRDC) or Majlis Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (MPSM), but was later incorporated and known as PSMB.
PSMB�s Objectives
The main objective of the PSMB is the imposition and collection of a human resources development levy from the Employers for the purpose of promoting training of employees in workplace, and the establishment and administration of the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF).
Human Resources Development Fund
The Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) was established under the legal requirements of the Human Resources Development Act 1992 (now known as the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad Act 2001). The HRDF is a pool of funds that comprises Human Resources Development levies collected from employers of the manufacturing and service sectors as listed in the First Schedule of the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad Act 2001 (liable registrants) as well as optional registrants. The establishment of the HRDF is part of the Government�s initiative to encourage the private sector employers in the manufacturing and service sectors to retrain and upgrade the skills of their employees in line with the needs of their business and industrialisation strategy of the country. With effect from January 2005, the HRDF has been extended to include employers from 8 more industries under the services sector. Employers who are registered and/or incorporated in Malaysia and who have registered with the PSMB and fulfilled the payment conditions are eligible to apply for training grants or financial assistance under the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF).
Objectives of HRDF
The objectives of the HRDF are to:
- Increase the supply of highly-skilled workers.
- Enhance the knowledge of workers and equip them with up-to-date skills.
- Prevent the skills of workers from becoming obsolete in a changing technological environment.
- Upgrade the quality and productivity of workers.
- Cultivate a training culture amongst employers.
- Maintain and enhance the competitiveness of Malaysian products through skills retraining and
- Accelerate the process of technology transfer.
- Assist in the attainment of the industrialisation objective of the country.
Human Resources Development Levy
Human Resources Development Levy is the mandatory payment imposed by the Government on some specified groups of employers for the purpose of development of their employees. Under the law, certain classes of Employers are liable to pay a Human Resource Development levy for each employee at the rate of 1.0% per annum of the monthly wages of the employee. However, the Minister of Human Resources may, from time to time, by order published in the Gazette, reduce or increase the rate of the levy specified. The Minister is also empowered to exempt fully or partly any of the employers from the payment of this levy.
Classes of Employers to Pay Levy
The following is the groups or classes of Employers that are required to pay levy towards a common pool of funds i.e. Human Resource Development Fund.
- Employers in Manufacturing Sector
Under the manufacturing sector, the Class of Employers that is required to pay levy is :
– Employers with fifty or more employees
– Employers with ten or more but less than fifty employees and with a paid-up capital of RM2.5 million (RM2, 500,000) and above - Employers in Service Sector
Under the service sector, only those employers having employed 10 or more employees (except the Hypermarket industry*) are required to pay levy. The class of employers include 11 industries and 8 more industries with effect from 1-1-2005. (Kindly refer to Table 1) - Other Class of Employers � Option to Pay
Another class of employers in the manufacturing industry is given the option of registering as a levy contributor with the Corporation. As spelled out in Part II of the First Schedule of the Act, this class of employers includes those with ten or more but less than fifty employees and with a paid-up capital of less than RM2.5 million (RM2,500,000). If they choose to register, they will be imposed a HRD levy in respect of each employee at the rate of 0.5% per annum of the monthly wages of the employee.
Training Schemes Under HRDF
Employers who contribute to HRDF are eligible to access their levy payments by claiming training reimbursements through various training schemes that are implemented by PSMB.
At present, there are 13 training schemes available at PSMB, which are listed as follows:
SBL Scheme (Skim Bantuan Latihan)SBL-KHAS SchemePROLUS Scheme (Program Latihan yang Diluluskan)PERLA Scheme (Perjanjian dengan Penyelia Latihan)PLT Scheme (Pelan Latihan Tahunan) – JURUPLAN Scheme (Skim Khidmat Juruperunding bagi Pelan Latihan Tahunan)Joint Training SchemeGraduate Training SchemeInformation Technology & Computer-Based Training SchemeComputer-Based Training Scheme (Software Development)Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room SchemeSpecial PSMB Training ProgrammesApprenticeship SchemesEnglish Language Training Programmes for Workers |
- SBL Scheme (Skim Bantuan Latihan)
Prior approval must first be obtained from the Secretariat for programmes/ courses under the SBL Scheme. This scheme enables employers to identify their own training needs and formulate training programmes to retrain and upgrade skills of employees in line with their operational as well as business requirements.
The training courses can be conducted either on-the-job, off-the-job or even a combination of both so as to suit the requirements of enterprises. Training can be carried out either by their own trainers or by external trainers if there is a lack of internal expertise. Apart from this, local enterprises can also engage and recruit qualified trainers from abroad if local expertise is not sufficient or available.
In order to qualify for the training grants, the training programmes must be structured and possess the following criteria:- Specific training objectives
- Specific training activities or lesson plans
- Instructional guides by qualified instructors/trainers
- Assessment to determine the attainment of training objectives
- SBL-KHAS Scheme
Under the SBL-KHAS Scheme, employers are not required to pay training fees to training providers registered with PSMB. The fees will be paid by PSMB to the training providers concerned on behalf of employers based on claims submitted by training providers, upon the completion of training. PSMB will debit the fees claimed to employers� levy accounts. For daily allowances claimed which may comprise of food, lodging and transportation including airfare (if applicable), employers are required to submit their claims to PSMB based on stipulated guidelines. Claims must be submitted after the completion of training.
Training programmes that are eligible to be offered under this scheme are public programmes and in-house programmes conducted by training providers who are registered with PSMB. Training grant applications submitted by employers for programmes that are not registered or not conducted by training providers not registered under this scheme will be rejected. - PROLUS Scheme (Program Latihan Yang Diluluskan)
This PROLUS or Approved Training Programme Scheme (ATP) would allow registered training providers to offer training programmes to employers. Training providers can either submit the applications for ATP status along with applications for their registration, or after the Registration Certificates have been obtained.
Among the examples of training programmes that are publicly offered under this scheme are the Management/ Administrative Skills, Craft/Technical Skills, Computer-Related Skills, and Productivity-Related Skills. - PERLA Scheme (Perjanjian Dengan Penyelia Latihan)
This scheme would enable employees to retrain and subsequently upgrade their existing employees� skills by paying a small percentage of the approved fees under the PROLUS scheme. Employers are only required to pay between 20- 25% of the training fees, while thebalance can be directly claimed by the training providers from PSMB. - PLT Scheme (Pelan Latihan Tahunan)
The PLT (Pelan Latihan Tahunan) Scheme is an annual training plans scheme that encourages employers to put up Annual Training Plans. Under this scheme, employers must undertake systematic training needs analysis to ensure that training is conducted on a need basis and in line with their business plans and level of technological adaptations. Employers without the necessary expertise to do so can seek assistance from PSMB through the JURUPLAN Scheme (Consultancy Scheme for Training Needs Analysis). The training plan must encompass at least 10% of the company�s workforce and a minimum of 15% of the organisation�s lower level employees, especially those who only possess SPM qualifications and lower. - Juruplan Scheme (Skim Khidmat Juruperunding Bagi Pelan Latihan Tahunan)
Under this scheme, employers who have 200 employees and above can apply for consultancy services from training consultants who are registered with PSMB. These consultants will assist employers to identify training needs, systematically formulate training programmes and prepare annual training plans. Prior approval must be obtained from PSMB by the employers concerned and the rate of financial assistance will be determined by PSMB as well. This scheme is a one-off exercise and therefore, the transfer of knowledge and skills from participating consultants to respective employers must exist in the context of �change agent/client� relationships in the preparation of annual training plans. - Joint Training Scheme
This scheme enables several employers, particularly those from the SMEs to jointly appoint a training provider to conduct training for their employees. One of the employers will act as the �organising employer� who will determine the type of programme required, engage a suitable training provider and determine the venue for training.
Apart from this, the �organising employer� will also be responsible for determining the cost per employee, to enable participating employers to claim the allowable costs incurred upon the completion of training. The number of employees from participating employers must at least be more than 50% of the total participants of the programme. The �organising employer� will be able to claim the allowable costs at the rate of 100%, whilst participating employers will only be reimbursed based on the normal rates of financial assistance approved by PSMB. - Graduate Training Scheme
- Objective
The objective of the Graduate Training Scheme/05 (GTS/05) launched by the government is to assist and equip unemployed graduates with specialised skills in Executive Development, Marketing, Business Accounting, Financial Planning & Wealth Management, Microsoft Certified System Engineer, Cisco Certified Network and Professional, Linux System Administrator, Web Publishing & Web Application Development, English Language, Tourist Guide & Event Management and Entrepreneurship to enhance their employability. - Target Group
This scheme is for Malaysians who have graduated with a degree or diploma from 2003 onwards and have remained unemployed. - Terms And Conditions Of Application
► Only Malaysians who have graduated from 2003 onwards and have remained unemployed are eligible to apply.
► Applicants must have completed their studies for at least 6 months and they must not have worked since completion of studies.
► Applicants who have a Masters degree and above are not eligible to apply.
► Application forms must be submitted to PSMB at least one (1) month before the commencement of the programme.
► Applicants must submit their applications through approved training providers using forms (PSMB/SLG/1/05) complete with the following supporting documents:
– Photocopies of the applicants� new identity cards and the latest academic qualifications (diploma or degree) duly verified and certified as true copies by a Member of Parliament, Member of a State Assembly, Headmaster or School Principal, Village Head, �Penggawa�, �Tuai Rumah� or �Ketua Kaum�, �Ketua Mukim Bertauliah�, any Government Officer in the A Category or a Justice of Peace.
– Applicants who have yet to receive their scroll from respective universities, may submit verified and certified true copies of final semester�s examination results with confirmations from the university registrars stating completion of studies. In the case of Institutions of Private Higher Education where there is no registrar, verification can be done by the Head of Admission / Administration.
– Original offer letters from PSMB�s approved training providers. – All academic qualifications such as original scrolls and final semester�s examination results must be examined by PSMB�s staff before approvals are given.
► Each applicant is allowed to submit only one application form to the training provider with a programme of his/her choice. The duly filled application will be submitted to PSMB by the training provider concerned. Multiple applications with different training providers will cause the applicants to be rejected by our computer system. Appeals will not be entertained.
► Trainees must fulfill all conditions for the awarding of certificates such as projects, assignments and examinations as determined by training providers. Trainees attending professional programmes like Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE), Cisco Certified Network and Professional (CCNP) and Linux System Administrator (LSA) must take all the professional examinations.
► All applicants for the CCNP programme are required to attend an interview to be conducted by PSMB officers before approvals are given.
► During training, all trainees must complete their tasks, assignments and projects. Trainees are required to participate actively in all practical exercises, presentations and role plays as directed by trainers. Trainees are also required to keep a training profile for the duration of the programme.
► During attachment training, all trainees must abide to all terms and conditions or regulations as determined by employers.
► If an applicant had attended any training programme under the previous GraduateTraining Schemes, PSMB-ACCP or any training schemes under the �Skim Sangkutan Latihan (SSL)�, he/she not eligible to participate in this scheme. This ruling also applies to applicants who have attended training under the Retrenched Workers and Unemployed Training Scheme. - Entry Requirements For Programmes Offered
► The entry requirements for applicants for each training programme under Graduate Training Scheme are as follows:-
- Objective
ProgrammesEntry Requirements |
i) Executive Development, Marketing, Business Accounting, Financial Planning & Wealth Management, Web Publishing & Web Application Development, Tourist Guide & Event Management, Entrepreneurship and the English LanguageApplicants must have a Degree or Diploma in any field of studies. For Web Publishing & Web Application Development, applicants must possess at least a credit in Mathematics and Science at SPM levelii) Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) and Linux System Administrator (LSA)Applicants must have a Degree or Diploma in Computer Studies or Engineering.iii) Cisco Certified Network and Professional (CCNP)Applicants must have a Degree in Computer Studies or Engineering. |
- ► Financial assistance will be terminated when trainees stop attending the training programme.
- Training Programmes Offered
► The duration of the programmes offered under the scheme are as follows: –
Programmes | Training Attachment | Duration Training |
i) Certificate in Executive Development | 3 months | 2 months |
ii) Certificate in Marketing | 3 months | 2 months |
iii) Certificate in Business Accounting | 5 months | 2 months |
iv) Certificate in Financial Planning & Wealth Management | 3 months | 2 months |
v) Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) | 2.5 months | 2 months |
vi) Cisco Certified Network and Professional (CCNP) | 3 months | 2 months |
vii) Linux System Administrator(LSA) | 3 months | 2 months |
viii) Web Publishing & Web Application Development | 3.5 months | 2 months |
ix) Certificate in English Language | 4 months | 2 months |
x) Certificate in Tourist Guide & Event Management | 3 months | 2 months |
xi) Certificate in Entrepreneurship | 3 months | 2 months |
► Training programmes offered under the scheme are skills and application-based. The curriculum of these programmes has been developed by PSMB with the assistance of experts.
(Note : Certificates of attendance will be issued by Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad to trainees who have successfully completed their training with an attendance of at least 75%)
- Information Technology & Computer-Based Training Scheme
The Computer-Based Training Scheme was implemented in 1995 to further promote ICT/IT training, enabling employers to set up their own Computer-Based Training Unit, while the Information Technology Scheme enables employers to set up their own IT Training Unit within their enterprises so as to purchase computers worth up to a value of RM25, 000 for every three years.
In addition, employers are also entitled to receive an additional financial assistance that is subjected to the maximum of RM25, 000 once in every three years for the purchase of personal computers so as to enable them to set up a Computer-Based Training Unit at their branch offices. However, prior approval by PSMB with regard to such purchase is required.
- Computer-Based Training Scheme (Software Development)
This Computer-Based Training Scheme (Software Development) entitles the employer to purchase training CD ROMS and softwares without needing to obtain any prior approval from the Corporation, or source external expertise to develop the employer�s own specific computer-based training softwares, where prior approval from PSMB would have to be obtained.
Employers who are interested to apply for this scheme are required to prepare a proposal with appropriate justification and duration of development and attach together quotations from three consultants for the development of the system. Meanwhile, the rate of financial assistance is based on skill areas as determined and developed by employers. PSMB has always provided development grants to employers� associations, to develop specific computer-based training programmes/CD ROMS for the benefit of their members. - Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room Scheme
Under this Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room Scheme, the Small Medium Industries (SMIs) who have vacant rooms can thus convert them into training rooms by applying for financial assistance offered under the scheme. Besides this, the scheme also enables employers to obtain 80% of the rate of financial assistance for the purchase of training equipment (such as chairs, tables, videos, televisions, white boards, LCD Projectors and OHP projectors) and the setting up of training rooms. The Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room Scheme is aimed at encouraging employers to conduct more in-house training programmes other than to enhance a training culture amongst them. - Special PSMB Training Programmes
Special Training Programmes are organised and conducted by PSMB in collaboration with training providers under the PROLUS Scheme from time to time. Among the Training programmes available under this scheme are as follows:-- Train The Trainer (TTT)
- Effective Communication In The Workplace (ECW)
- Effective Communication & The Educator (ECE)
- Measuring The Impact Of Training
- Evaluation Of Training (EOT)
- Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
- Pedagogy Of Teaching And Learning
- Basic Counselling Skills For Teachers
- Improving On The Job Training
- Techniques Of Module Writing
- Preparation And Use Of Teaching Resources
- On The Job Instruction
- Ceramics Raw Materials And Preparations
- Enhancing Pedagogical Skills Through Micro-Teaching
- IT Security Practices
- IT Security Management
- Executive Certificate In Event Management
- Assessing Competency In The Workplace
- Measuring The Effectiveness In Training
- Testing And Evaluation
- Formulation Of Test Questions
- Drying And Firing Processes For Ceramics
- Apprenticeship Schemes
The Apprenticeship Schemes, which are offered by PSMB, is a structured training programme focused on skills training in certain fields for a particular industry. This scheme is executed in accordance with the co-curriculum of the National Skills Standards and the pre-determined training period.- Objective of The Apprenticeship Schemes
The objective for the establishment of this Apprenticeship Scheme is to prepare various skills training (Multi-Skilling) to school leavers at the PMR/SPM level, in sectors such as industrial, hotel, manufacturing, information technology (IT), and transportation, so as to fulfill the need for a skilled workforce in the industrial and service sectors of the country. Besides this, this scheme also enables employers who are registered with PSMB to be actively involved in training activities.
The apprenticeship schemes are designed and targeted at the four primary groups of audience, namely, i) the employers, who would send the selected apprentices for training; ii) the training providers, who provide training to the selected apprentices; iii) the selected apprentices who would undergo the apprenticeship training; and iv) PSMB, which manages apprenticeship schemes and accredits training centres for the conduct of the programmes. Through this scheme, which involves a combination of theoretical and practical training, PMR/SPM school leavers or workers who have been successfully selected as apprentices by the employer registered with PSMB, will undergo �Off-The- ob� as well as �On-The-Job� training. �Off-The-Job� involves training at the training centres of training providers that have been accredited by PSMB, while �On-The-Job� training is conducted at the premise of the sponsoring employer. Before being able to successfully complete the training programme, the apprentices will be required to work for the respective sponsoring employers for a fixed period of one to three years, as written in the requirements of the apprenticeship contracts (that is if offered employment). - Types of Scheme, Entry Requirements & Duration
► Types of Schemes & Entry Requirements
Since 1996, PSMB has introduced 9 (nine) apprenticeship schemes for candidates who are able to meet the entry requirement as detailed below.
- Objective of The Apprenticeship Schemes
Apprenticeship Schemes & Their Respective Minimum Qualification Requirements | |
Schemes | Minimum Qualification |
a) Mechatronics Apprenticeship Scheme b) Plastics Injection Moulding Apprenticeship Scheme | � SPM or � Senior Middle Level 3 [Unified Examination Certificate] (Passes in Mathematics, Science and English) |
c) Tool And Die Maker (Mould) Apprenticeship Scheme | � SPM or � Senior Middle Level 3 [Unified Examination Certificate] (Passes in English And Mathematics or Science) |
d) Information Technology (Programming) Apprenticeship Scheme e) Information Technology (Multimedia Artist-Authoring) Apprenticeship Scheme f) Industrial Sewing Machine Technician Apprenticeship Scheme | � SPM or � Senior Middle Level 3 [Unified Examination Certificate] (Passes in Mathematics and English) |
g) Hotel Industry Apprenticeship Scheme h) Multimodal Transport Operators Apprenticeship Scheme i) Wood-Based (Furniture) Apprenticeship Scheme | � PMR/SPM or � Senior Middle Level 3 [Unified Examination Certificate] (Passes in Mathematics and English) |
►Duration of Training
The duration of the training would usually range from 10 weeks to six months for optional modules, and nine to 18 months for the full modules. Apprentices who have completed their training will receive a SKM Level 1 & 2 certification in the relevant field that has already been approved and accredited by MLVK, as well as the Apprenticeship Certificate that would be awarded by PSMB.
Duration & Period of Training Programmes for the Various Schemes of Apprenticeship | |||
Schemes | “Off-the-Job” | “On-the-Job” | Total Training Duration |
a) Mechatronics | 9 months | 9 months | 18 months |
b) Hotel Industry � Module 1A (Housekeeping) � Module 1B (Front Office Operations) � Module 2 (Food & Beverage Operations) � Module 3 (Kitchen Operations) | 5 weeks 7 weeks 3 months 3 months | 5 weeks 7 weeks 3 months 3 months | 10 weeks 14 weeks 6 months 6 months |
c) Information Technology (Programming) | 6 months | 3 months | 9 months |
d) Information Technology (Multimedia Artist � Authoring) | 7 months | 5 months | 12 months |
e) Wood Based Industry (Furniture) | 9.5 months | 6.5 months | 16 months |
f) Multimodal Transport Operators | 4.5 months | 4.5 months | 9 months |
g) Plastics Injection Moulding | 6 months | 4 months | 10 months |
h) Tool and Die Maker | 7.5 months | 6.5 months | 14 months |
i) Industrial Sewing Machine Technician | 7 months | 4 months | 11 months |
► Funding & Training Fees
Tuition fees are fully paid by PSMB under its RM15 Million Apprenticeship Fund. Apprentices who are selected by sponsoring employers would be fully funded by PSMB under the Apprenticeship Scheme Fund. The apprentices will also be paid with monthly allowance of between RM300�RM500 and an insurance coverage by sponsoring employers. Sponsoring employers, meanwhile, are eligible to claim financial assistance at the rate of 95% of the allowable cost, namely, apprenticeship monthly allowance, insurance coverage and consumable training materials, if applicable.
Tuition Fees for Various Apprenticeship Scheme | |
Apprenticeship Scheme | Training Fees |
Mechatronics | RM6,200 |
Industrial Machining | RM8,000 |
Hotel Industry – Module 1A – Module 1B – Module 2 – Module 3 | RM1,062 RM1,488 RM2,550 RM3,400 |
Information Technology (Multimedia Artist) | RM5,500 |
Wood-Based Industry (Furniture) | RM4,500 |
Multimodal Transportation Operator | RM3,500 |
Plastics Injection Moulding | RM6,500 |
Tool and Die Maker (Mould) | RM8,500 |
- Application To Become A Sponsoring Employer
Employers who register themselves with PSMB are required to forward their sponsoring details by submitting the Sponsorship Application Form to PSMB by either fax/postage, a month before the training programme commences.
Employers are advised to determine the functions of sponsorships and contact PSMB or any training providers in advance, to obtain advice and guidance, as deciding on the location /premise for the apprentices who will be sponsored by the respective employers. - Employer�s Registration With MLVK
For employers who will be sponsoring apprentices under this apprenticeship scheme, they are required to send their officers, who will be in-charge of supervising the apprentices for the Assessment Officer, as well as the Internal Accreditation Officer
Induction Course, which are sponsored by MLVK. This course is compulsory for all companies� officers who would be supervising apprentices during the �On-The-Job� training.
The Assessment Officer will evaluate and fill in apprentices� portfolios based on skills achieved by the particular candidate who undergoes the �On-The-Job� training. On theother hand, the Internal Accreditation Officer will be responsible in accrediting the portfolios. Such assessments would help the MLVK to determine whether the particular apprentice is qualified to be awarded with the SKM Certification Level 1 and 2. - Selection Of Apprentices
Employers can obtain names of apprenticeship programmes� candidates from the PSMB, as well as from their own resources. Interviews and selection process will be subsequently conducted by the respective employers. Interested candidates are required to fulfill the stated entry requirements. Candidates who are interested to participate in this scheme can obtain the application form from PSMB or to issue a letter to PSMB by enclosing together their personal details, a photocopy of their examination certificates and IC, as well as their most recent passport-size photo. - Training Modules of Apprentice Schemes
The list below provides a brief outline of the various modules under the various apprenticeship schemes of PSMB.
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PSMB�s Human Resources Development Fund [Source: Training Guide 8th Ed.] Profile of PSMBHuman Resources Development FundHuman Resources Development LevyTraining Schemes under HRDF – SBL Scheme (Skim Bantuan Latihan) – SBL-KHAS Scheme – PROLUS Scheme (Program Latihan yang Diluluskan) – PERLA Scheme (Perjanjian dengan Penyelia Latihan) – PLT Scheme (Pelan Latihan Tahunan): * JURUPLAN Scheme (Skim Khidmat Juruperunding bagi Pelan Latihan Tahunan) – Joint Training Scheme – Graduate Training Scheme – Information Technology & Computer-Based Training Scheme – Computer-Based Training Scheme (Software Development) – Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room Scheme – Special PSMB Training Programmes – Apprenticeship Schemes – English Language Training Programmes for WorkersContact DetailsIntroduction The Brief Profile of PSMB Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB) was established under the Ministry of Human Resources. When initially-formed in 1993, it was known as the Human Resources Development Council (HRDC) or Majlis Pembangunan Sumber Manusia (MPSM), but was later incorporated and known as PSMB.PSMB�s Objectives The main objective of the PSMB is the imposition and collection of a human resources development levy from the Employers for the purpose of promoting training of employees in workplace, and the establishment and administration of the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF).Human Resources Development Fund Introduction The Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) was established under the legal requirements of the Human Resources Development Act 1992 (now known as the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad Act 2001). The HRDF is a pool of funds that comprises Human Resources Development levies collected from employers of the manufacturing and service sectors as listed in the First Schedule of the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad Act 2001 (liable registrants) as well as optional registrants. The establishment of the HRDF is part of the Government�s initiative to encourage the private sector employers in the manufacturing and service sectors to retrain and upgrade the skills of their employees in line with the needs of their business and industrialisation strategy of the country. With effect from January 2005, the HRDF has been extended to include employers from 8 more industries under the services sector. Employers who are registered and/or incorporated in Malaysia and who have registered with the PSMB and fulfilled the payment conditions are eligible to apply for training grants or financial assistance under the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF).Objectives of HRDF The objectives of the HRDF are to:Increase the supply of highly-skilled workers.Enhance the knowledge of workers and equip them with up-to-date skills.Prevent the skills of workers from becoming obsolete in a changing technological environment.Upgrade the quality and productivity of workers.Cultivate a training culture amongst employers.Maintain and enhance the competitiveness of Malaysian products through skills retraining andAccelerate the process of technology transfer.Assist in the attainment of the industrialisation objective of the country.Human Resources Development Levy Human Resources Development Levy is the mandatory payment imposed by the Government on some specified groups of employers for the purpose of development of their employees. Under the law, certain classes of Employers are liable to pay a Human Resource Development levy for each employee at the rate of 1.0% per annum of the monthly wages of the employee. However, the Minister of Human Resources may, from time to time, by order published in the Gazette, reduce or increase the rate of the levy specified. The Minister is also empowered to exempt fully or partly any of the employers from the payment of this levy.Table 1No.IndustryClass of Employers with Min. No of Employees1Hotel Industry102Air Transport Services103Tour Operating Business104Telecommunication Services105Freight Forwarding And Shipping Services106Postal/Courier Services107Advertising Industry108Computer Services109Energy Suppliers1010Training Providers1011Private Higher Educational Institutions1012Direct Selling1013Engineering Support & Maintenance Services1014Warehousing Services1015Port Services1016Private Hospital Services1017Research & Development1018Security Services1019* Hypermarket, Supermarket & Department Store Services50Classes of Employers to Pay Levy The following is the groups or classes of Employers that are required to pay levy towards a common pool of funds i.e. Human Resource Development Fund.Employers in Manufacturing Sector Under the manufacturing sector, the Class of Employers that is required to pay levy is : – Employers with fifty or more employees – Employers with ten or more but less than fifty employees and with a paid-up capital of RM2.5 million (RM2, 500,000) and aboveEmployers in Service Sector Under the service sector, only those employers having employed 10 or more employees (except the Hypermarket industry*) are required to pay levy. The class of employers include 11 industries and 8 more industries with effect from 1-1-2005. (Kindly refer to Table 1)Other Class of Employers � Option to Pay Another class of employers in the manufacturing industry is given the option of registering as a levy contributor with the Corporation. As spelled out in Part II of the First Schedule of the Act, this class of employers includes those with ten or more but less than fifty employees and with a paid-up capital of less than RM2.5 million (RM2,500,000). If they choose to register, they will be imposed a HRD levy in respect of each employee at the rate of 0.5% per annum of the monthly wages of the employee.Training Schemes Under HRDF Employers who contribute to HRDF are eligible to access their levy payments by claiming training reimbursements through various training schemes that are implemented by PSMB.At present, there are 13 training schemes available at PSMB, which are listed as follows:SBL Scheme (Skim Bantuan Latihan)SBL-KHAS SchemePROLUS Scheme (Program Latihan yang Diluluskan)PERLA Scheme (Perjanjian dengan Penyelia Latihan)PLT Scheme (Pelan Latihan Tahunan) – JURUPLAN Scheme (Skim Khidmat Juruperunding bagi Pelan Latihan Tahunan)Joint Training SchemeGraduate Training SchemeInformation Technology & Computer-Based Training SchemeComputer-Based Training Scheme (Software Development)Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room SchemeSpecial PSMB Training ProgrammesApprenticeship SchemesEnglish Language Training Programmes for WorkersSBL Scheme (Skim Bantuan Latihan) Prior approval must first be obtained from the Secretariat for programmes/ courses under the SBL Scheme. This scheme enables employers to identify their own training needs and formulate training programmes to retrain and upgrade skills of employees in line with their operational as well as business requirements. The training courses can be conducted either on-the-job, off-the-job or even a combination of both so as to suit the requirements of enterprises. Training can be carried out either by their own trainers or by external trainers if there is a lack of internal expertise. Apart from this, local enterprises can also engage and recruit qualified trainers from abroad if local expertise is not sufficient or available. In order to qualify for the training grants, the training programmes must be structured and possess the following criteria:Specific training objectivesSpecific training activities or lesson plansInstructional guides by qualified instructors/trainersAssessment to determine the attainment of training objectives SBL-KHAS Scheme Under the SBL-KHAS Scheme, employers are not required to pay training fees to training providers registered with PSMB. The fees will be paid by PSMB to the training providers concerned on behalf of employers based on claims submitted by training providers, upon the completion of training. PSMB will debit the fees claimed to employers� levy accounts. For daily allowances claimed which may comprise of food, lodging and transportation including airfare (if applicable), employers are required to submit their claims to PSMB based on stipulated guidelines. Claims must be submitted after the completion of training. Training programmes that are eligible to be offered under this scheme are public programmes and in-house programmes conducted by training providers who are registered with PSMB. Training grant applications submitted by employers for programmes that are not registered or not conducted by training providers not registered under this scheme will be rejected. PROLUS Scheme (Program Latihan Yang Diluluskan) This PROLUS or Approved Training Programme Scheme (ATP) would allow registered training providers to offer training programmes to employers. Training providers can either submit the applications for ATP status along with applications for their registration, or after the Registration Certificates have been obtained. Among the examples of training programmes that are publicly offered under this scheme are the Management/ Administrative Skills, Craft/Technical Skills, Computer-Related Skills, and Productivity-Related Skills. PERLA Scheme (Perjanjian Dengan Penyelia Latihan) This scheme would enable employees to retrain and subsequently upgrade their existing employees� skills by paying a small percentage of the approved fees under the PROLUS scheme. Employers are only required to pay between 20- 25% of the training fees, while thebalance can be directly claimed by the training providers from PSMB. PLT Scheme (Pelan Latihan Tahunan) The PLT (Pelan Latihan Tahunan) Scheme is an annual training plans scheme that encourages employers to put up Annual Training Plans. Under this scheme, employers must undertake systematic training needs analysis to ensure that training is conducted on a need basis and in line with their business plans and level of technological adaptations. Employers without the necessary expertise to do so can seek assistance from PSMB through the JURUPLAN Scheme (Consultancy Scheme for Training Needs Analysis). The training plan must encompass at least 10% of the company�s workforce and a minimum of 15% of the organisation�s lower level employees, especially those who only possess SPM qualifications and lower. Juruplan Scheme (Skim Khidmat Juruperunding Bagi Pelan Latihan Tahunan) Under this scheme, employers who have 200 employees and above can apply for consultancy services from training consultants who are registered with PSMB. These consultants will assist employers to identify training needs, systematically formulate training programmes and prepare annual training plans. Prior approval must be obtained from PSMB by the employers concerned and the rate of financial assistance will be determined by PSMB as well. This scheme is a one-off exercise and therefore, the transfer of knowledge and skills from participating consultants to respective employers must exist in the context of �change agent/client� relationships in the preparation of annual training plans. Joint Training Scheme This scheme enables several employers, particularly those from the SMEs to jointly appoint a training provider to conduct training for their employees. One of the employers will act as the �organising employer� who will determine the type of programme required, engage a suitable training provider and determine the venue for training. Apart from this, the �organising employer� will also be responsible for determining the cost per employee, to enable participating employers to claim the allowable costs incurred upon the completion of training. The number of employees from participating employers must at least be more than 50% of the total participants of the programme. The �organising employer� will be able to claim the allowable costs at the rate of 100%, whilst participating employers will only be reimbursed based on the normal rates of financial assistance approved by PSMB. Graduate Training SchemeObjective The objective of the Graduate Training Scheme/05 (GTS/05) launched by the government is to assist and equip unemployed graduates with specialised skills in Executive Development, Marketing, Business Accounting, Financial Planning & Wealth Management, Microsoft Certified System Engineer, Cisco Certified Network and Professional, Linux System Administrator, Web Publishing & Web Application Development, English Language, Tourist Guide & Event Management and Entrepreneurship to enhance their employability. Target Group This scheme is for Malaysians who have graduated with a degree or diploma from 2003 onwards and have remained unemployed. Terms And Conditions Of Application ► Only Malaysians who have graduated from 2003 onwards and have remained unemployed are eligible to apply. ► Applicants must have completed their studies for at least 6 months and they must not have worked since completion of studies. ► Applicants who have a Masters degree and above are not eligible to apply. ► Application forms must be submitted to PSMB at least one (1) month before the commencement of the programme. ► Applicants must submit their applications through approved training providers using forms (PSMB/SLG/1/05) complete with the following supporting documents: – Photocopies of the applicants� new identity cards and the latest academic qualifications (diploma or degree) duly verified and certified as true copies by a Member of Parliament, Member of a State Assembly, Headmaster or School Principal, Village Head, �Penggawa�, �Tuai Rumah� or �Ketua Kaum�, �Ketua Mukim Bertauliah�, any Government Officer in the A Category or a Justice of Peace. – Applicants who have yet to receive their scroll from respective universities, may submit verified and certified true copies of final semester�s examination results with confirmations from the university registrars stating completion of studies. In the case of Institutions of Private Higher Education where there is no registrar, verification can be done by the Head of Admission / Administration. – Original offer letters from PSMB�s approved training providers. – All academic qualifications such as original scrolls and final semester�s examination results must be examined by PSMB�s staff before approvals are given. ► Each applicant is allowed to submit only one application form to the training provider with a programme of his/her choice. The duly filled application will be submitted to PSMB by the training provider concerned. Multiple applications with different training providers will cause the applicants to be rejected by our computer system. Appeals will not be entertained. ► Trainees must fulfill all conditions for the awarding of certificates such as projects, assignments and examinations as determined by training providers. Trainees attending professional programmes like Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE), Cisco Certified Network and Professional (CCNP) and Linux System Administrator (LSA) must take all the professional examinations. ► All applicants for the CCNP programme are required to attend an interview to be conducted by PSMB officers before approvals are given. ► During training, all trainees must complete their tasks, assignments and projects. Trainees are required to participate actively in all practical exercises, presentations and role plays as directed by trainers. Trainees are also required to keep a training profile for the duration of the programme. ► During attachment training, all trainees must abide to all terms and conditions or regulations as determined by employers. ► If an applicant had attended any training programme under the previous GraduateTraining Schemes, PSMB-ACCP or any training schemes under the �Skim Sangkutan Latihan (SSL)�, he/she not eligible to participate in this scheme. This ruling also applies to applicants who have attended training under the Retrenched Workers and Unemployed Training Scheme. Entry Requirements For Programmes Offered ► The entry requirements for applicants for each training programme under Graduate Training Scheme are as follows:- ProgrammesEntry Requirementsi) Executive Development, Marketing, Business Accounting, Financial Planning & Wealth Management, Web Publishing & Web Application Development, Tourist Guide & Event Management, Entrepreneurship and the English LanguageApplicants must have a Degree or Diploma in any field of studies. For Web Publishing & Web Application Development, applicants must possess at least a credit in Mathematics and Science at SPM levelii) Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) and Linux System Administrator (LSA)Applicants must have a Degree or Diploma in Computer Studies or Engineering.iii) Cisco Certified Network and Professional (CCNP)Applicants must have a Degree in Computer Studies or Engineering. ► Financial assistance will be terminated when trainees stop attending the training programme. Training Programmes Offered ► The duration of the programmes offered under the scheme are as follows: – ProgrammesTraining AttachmentDuration Trainingi) Certificate in Executive Development3 months2 monthsii) Certificate in Marketing3 months2 monthsiii) Certificate in Business Accounting5 months2 monthsiv) Certificate in Financial Planning & Wealth Management3 months2 monthsv) Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE)2.5 months2 monthsvi) Cisco Certified Network and Professional (CCNP)3 months2 monthsvii) Linux System Administrator(LSA)3 months2 monthsviii) Web Publishing & Web Application Development3.5 months2 monthsix) Certificate in English Language4 months2 monthsx) Certificate in Tourist Guide & Event Management3 months2 monthsxi) Certificate in Entrepreneurship3 months2 months ► Training programmes offered under the scheme are skills and application-based. The curriculum of these programmes has been developed by PSMB with the assistance of experts. (Note : Certificates of attendance will be issued by Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad to trainees who have successfully completed their training with an attendance of at least 75%) Information Technology & Computer-Based Training Scheme The Computer-Based Training Scheme was implemented in 1995 to further promote ICT/IT training, enabling employers to set up their own Computer-Based Training Unit, while the Information Technology Scheme enables employers to set up their own IT Training Unit within their enterprises so as to purchase computers worth up to a value of RM25, 000 for every three years. In addition, employers are also entitled to receive an additional financial assistance that is subjected to the maximum of RM25, 000 once in every three years for the purchase of personal computers so as to enable them to set up a Computer-Based Training Unit at their branch offices. However, prior approval by PSMB with regard to such purchase is required. Computer-Based Training Scheme (Software Development) This Computer-Based Training Scheme (Software Development) entitles the employer to purchase training CD ROMS and softwares without needing to obtain any prior approval from the Corporation, or source external expertise to develop the employer�s own specific computer-based training softwares, where prior approval from PSMB would have to be obtained. Employers who are interested to apply for this scheme are required to prepare a proposal with appropriate justification and duration of development and attach together quotations from three consultants for the development of the system. Meanwhile, the rate of financial assistance is based on skill areas as determined and developed by employers. PSMB has always provided development grants to employers� associations, to develop specific computer-based training programmes/CD ROMS for the benefit of their members. Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room Scheme Under this Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room Scheme, the Small Medium Industries (SMIs) who have vacant rooms can thus convert them into training rooms by applying for financial assistance offered under the scheme. Besides this, the scheme also enables employers to obtain 80% of the rate of financial assistance for the purchase of training equipment (such as chairs, tables, videos, televisions, white boards, LCD Projectors and OHP projectors) and the setting up of training rooms. The Purchase of Training Equipment & Setting Up of Training Room Scheme is aimed at encouraging employers to conduct more in-house training programmes other than to enhance a training culture amongst them. Special PSMB Training Programmes Special Training Programmes are organised and conducted by PSMB in collaboration with training providers under the PROLUS Scheme from time to time. Among the Training programmes available under this scheme are as follows:-Train The Trainer (TTT)Effective Communication In The Workplace (ECW)Effective Communication & The Educator (ECE)Measuring The Impact Of TrainingEvaluation Of Training (EOT)Training Needs Analysis (TNA)Pedagogy Of Teaching And LearningBasic Counselling Skills For TeachersImproving On The Job TrainingTechniques Of Module WritingPreparation And Use Of Teaching ResourcesOn The Job InstructionCeramics Raw Materials And PreparationsEnhancing Pedagogical Skills Through Micro-TeachingIT Security PracticesIT Security ManagementExecutive Certificate In Event ManagementAssessing Competency In The WorkplaceMeasuring The Effectiveness In TrainingTesting And EvaluationFormulation Of Test QuestionsDrying And Firing Processes For CeramicsThe rate of financial assistance under this scheme is 100% Apprenticeship Schemes The Apprenticeship Schemes, which are offered by PSMB, is a structured training programme focused on skills training in certain fields for a particular industry. This scheme is executed in accordance with the co-curriculum of the National Skills Standards and the pre-determined training period.Objective of The Apprenticeship Schemes The objective for the establishment of this Apprenticeship Scheme is to prepare various skills training (Multi-Skilling) to school leavers at the PMR/SPM level, in sectors such as industrial, hotel, manufacturing, information technology (IT), and transportation, so as to fulfill the need for a skilled workforce in the industrial and service sectors of the country. Besides this, this scheme also enables employers who are registered with PSMB to be actively involved in training activities. The apprenticeship schemes are designed and targeted at the four primary groups of audience, namely, i) the employers, who would send the selected apprentices for training; ii) the training providers, who provide training to the selected apprentices; iii) the selected apprentices who would undergo the apprenticeship training; and iv) PSMB, which manages apprenticeship schemes and accredits training centres for the conduct of the programmes. Through this scheme, which involves a combination of theoretical and practical training, PMR/SPM school leavers or workers who have been successfully selected as apprentices by the employer registered with PSMB, will undergo �Off-The- ob� as well as �On-The-Job� training. �Off-The-Job� involves training at the training centres of training providers that have been accredited by PSMB, while �On-The-Job� training is conducted at the premise of the sponsoring employer. Before being able to successfully complete the training programme, the apprentices will be required to work for the respective sponsoring employers for a fixed period of one to three years, as written in the requirements of the apprenticeship contracts (that is if offered employment). Types of Scheme, Entry Requirements & Duration ► Types of Schemes & Entry Requirements Since 1996, PSMB has introduced 9 (nine) apprenticeship schemes for candidates who are able to meet the entry requirement as detailed below.Apprenticeship Schemes & Their Respective Minimum Qualification RequirementsSchemesMinimum Qualificationa) Mechatronics Apprenticeship Scheme b) Plastics Injection Moulding Apprenticeship Scheme� SPM or � Senior Middle Level 3 [Unified Examination Certificate] (Passes in Mathematics, Science and English)c) Tool And Die Maker (Mould) Apprenticeship Scheme� SPM or � Senior Middle Level 3 [Unified Examination Certificate] (Passes in English And Mathematics or Science)d) Information Technology (Programming) Apprenticeship Scheme e) Information Technology (Multimedia Artist-Authoring) Apprenticeship Scheme f) Industrial Sewing Machine Technician Apprenticeship Scheme� SPM or � Senior Middle Level 3 [Unified Examination Certificate] (Passes in Mathematics and English)g) Hotel Industry Apprenticeship Scheme h) Multimodal Transport Operators Apprenticeship Scheme i) Wood-Based (Furniture) Apprenticeship Scheme� PMR/SPM or � Senior Middle Level 3 [Unified Examination Certificate] (Passes in Mathematics and English) ►Duration of Training The duration of the training would usually range from 10 weeks to six months for optional modules, and nine to 18 months for the full modules. Apprentices who have completed their training will receive a SKM Level 1 & 2 certification in the relevant field that has already been approved and accredited by MLVK, as well as the Apprenticeship Certificate that would be awarded by PSMB. Duration & Period of Training Programmes for the Various Schemes of ApprenticeshipSchemes“Off-the-Job”“On-the-Job”Total Training Durationa) Mechatronics9 months9 months18 monthsb) Hotel Industry � Module 1A (Housekeeping) � Module 1B (Front Office Operations) � Module 2 (Food & Beverage Operations) � Module 3 (Kitchen Operations)5 weeks 7 weeks 3 months 3 months5 weeks 7 weeks 3 months 3 months10 weeks 14 weeks 6 months 6 monthsc) Information Technology (Programming)6 months3 months9 monthsd) Information Technology (Multimedia Artist � Authoring)7 months5 months12 monthse) Wood Based Industry (Furniture)9.5 months6.5 months16 monthsf) Multimodal Transport Operators4.5 months4.5 months9 monthsg) Plastics Injection Moulding6 months4 months10 monthsh) Tool and Die Maker7.5 months6.5 months14 monthsi) Industrial Sewing Machine Technician7 months4 months11 months ► Funding & Training Fees Tuition fees are fully paid by PSMB under its RM15 Million Apprenticeship Fund. Apprentices who are selected by sponsoring employers would be fully funded by PSMB under the Apprenticeship Scheme Fund. The apprentices will also be paid with monthly allowance of between RM300�RM500 and an insurance coverage by sponsoring employers. Sponsoring employers, meanwhile, are eligible to claim financial assistance at the rate of 95% of the allowable cost, namely, apprenticeship monthly allowance, insurance coverage and consumable training materials, if applicable. Tuition Fees for Various Apprenticeship SchemeApprenticeship SchemeTraining FeesMechatronicsRM6,200Industrial MachiningRM8,000Hotel Industry – Module 1A – Module 1B – Module 2 – Module 3 RM1,062 RM1,488 RM2,550 RM3,400Information Technology (Multimedia Artist)RM5,500Wood-Based Industry (Furniture)RM4,500Multimodal Transportation OperatorRM3,500Plastics Injection MouldingRM6,500Tool and Die Maker (Mould)RM8,500 Application To Become A Sponsoring Employer Employers who register themselves with PSMB are required to forward their sponsoring details by submitting the Sponsorship Application Form to PSMB by either fax/postage, a month before the training programme commences. Employers are advised to determine the functions of sponsorships and contact PSMB or any training providers in advance, to obtain advice and guidance, as deciding on the location /premise for the apprentices who will be sponsored by the respective employers. Employer�s Registration With MLVK For employers who will be sponsoring apprentices under this apprenticeship scheme, they are required to send their officers, who will be in-charge of supervising the apprentices for the Assessment Officer, as well as the Internal Accreditation Officer Induction Course, which are sponsored by MLVK. This course is compulsory for all companies� officers who would be supervising apprentices during the �On-The-Job� training. The Assessment Officer will evaluate and fill in apprentices� portfolios based on skills achieved by the particular candidate who undergoes the �On-The-Job� training. On theother hand, the Internal Accreditation Officer will be responsible in accrediting the portfolios. Such assessments would help the MLVK to determine whether the particular apprentice is qualified to be awarded with the SKM Certification Level 1 and 2. Selection Of Apprentices Employers can obtain names of apprenticeship programmes� candidates from the PSMB, as well as from their own resources. Interviews and selection process will be subsequently conducted by the respective employers. Interested candidates are required to fulfill the stated entry requirements. Candidates who are interested to participate in this scheme can obtain the application form from PSMB or to issue a letter to PSMB by enclosing together their personal details, a photocopy of their examination certificates and IC, as well as their most recent passport-size photo. Training Modules of Apprentice Schemes The list below provides a brief outline of the various modules under the various apprenticeship schemes of PSMB. a) Mechatronics Apprenticeship SchemeCode – Modules/ SubjectsCode – Modules/ SubjectsModule 1Module 2M1 Mathematics E1 English 1 5S 5-s (Recreating the Workplace) MS1 Mechanical Skills ES1A Electrical System 1A CS1 Computer Skills 1 (Introduction to PC & Windows) DCF DC Fundamentals MAE Magnetism and Electromagnetism ACF AC Fundamentals WS Wiring and Soldering Technique WSH Workplace Safety and Health 1 TD1 Team DynamicsES1B Electrical System 1B PN1 Pneumatics 1 DCN DC Network Theorem HY1 Hydraulics 1 SCF Semiconductor Fundamental TE Technical English TAC Transistor Amplifier Circuit CS2 Computer Skills (Business App. Software) TD Technical Drawing WSH2 Workplace Safety and Health 2Module 3TFC Transistor Feedback Circuit PSR Power Supply Regulation Circuit EAT Electronic Assembly Technique ES Electronics Sensors PLC1 PLC QC1A Quality Control 1A QC1B Quality Control 1B TPM Total Productive Maintenance MSM Motors and Servo Motors 1b) Hotel Industry Apprenticeship SchemeCode – Modules/ SubjectsCode – Modules/ SubjectsModule 1AModule 1BSHK1 Introduction to Housekeeping Operators SHK2 Chemicals and Cleaning Agents SHK3 Servicing Bedroom SHK4 Servicing Bathroom SHK5 Public Area Cleaning SHK6 Flower Arrangement SHK7 Laundry SHK8 Housekeeping Practice SHK9 English for Housekeeping SHK10 LinenSFO1 Introduction to Front Office Operations SFO2 Guest Relations SFO3 Hotel Law SFO4 Telephone Service SFO5 Basic Calculations SFO6 Keyboard Skills SFO7 Basic Cashiering SFO8 Basic Accounting Practice SFO9 Bell Desk & Concierge SFO10 Computer Operations SFO11 Reservation Procedures SFO12 Reception Procedure SFO13 Guest Departure SFO14 Reception Practical SFO15 Clerical Administration SFO16 Upselling Skills SFO17 English for Front OfficeModule 2Module 3SFB1 Introduction to Food & Beverage Operations SFB2 Bars & Service of Beverages SFB3 Restaurant Mise en Place SFB4 Restaurant Service SFB5 Wine & Wine Service SFB6 Function Service SFB7 Room Service SFB8 Customer Care SFB9 Silver Service SFB10 Menu Knowledge SFB11 Nutrition SFB12 Hygiene SFB13 First Aid SFB14 Food & Beverage Service Practicals SFB15 Food & Beverage Cost Control SFB16 English for Food & BeverageSK1 Introduction to Kitchen Operations SK2 Mise en Place & Food Operation SK3 Stewarding SK4 Receiving & Storing SK5 Methods and Cookery SK6 Appetizers/ Savouries/ Salads/ Sandwiches SK7 Stocks, Soups, Sauces SK8 Vegetables, Egg & Farinaceous SK9 Asian Cookery SK10 Shellfish Preparation & Cookery SK11 Meat Butchery & Cookery SK12 Basics Desserts SK13 Baking Skills SK14 Kitchen Practices SK15 English for Kitchenc) Information Technology Apprenticeship Scheme (Programming)Code – Modules/ SubjectsCode – Modules/ SubjectsITP001 Anti Virus ITP002 Data Storage Management ITP003 Programming Preparation ITP004 Creating User Interface ITP005 User Interface Acceptance ITP006 Program Coding ITP007 Program Testing ITP008 Program DocumentationITP009 Module Documentation ITP010 Programming Constraint Supplementary Subjects: ITP S1 English ITP S2 Mathematics ITP S3 Group Dynamics ITP S4 Work Ethicd) Information Technology Apprenticeship Scheme (Multimedia Artist � Authoring)Code – Modules/ SubjectsCode – Modules/ SubjectsITM001 System Maintenance ITM002 Graphic Element Production ITM003 Audio Element Production ITM004 Video Element Production ITM005 Screen Colours ITM006 Multimedia Maintenance Files ITM007 Organise Multimedia Files ITM008 Authoring Code ITM009 Authoring Template ITM010 Creating Element EffectsITM011 Product Testing ITM012 Modify Project ITM013 User Documentation ITM014 Job Brief ITM015 Final Product Supplementary Subjects: ITM S1 English ITM S2 Art & Design ITM S3 Group Dynamics ITM S4 Work Ethicse) Wood – Based Industry Apprenticeship Scheme (Furniture)Code – Modules/ SubjectsCode – Modules/ SubjectsPhase 1Phase 2WI 101 Introduction to Wood-Based Industry WI S1 Workplace Communication WI S2 Team Building WI 102 Safety and Health WI 103 Quality Workforce & Assurance WI 104 Technical Drawing 1 WI 105 Wood Technology 1 WI 106 Introduction To Non-Wood Based Furniture Material WI 107 Wood Machining and Operation 1 WI 108 Wood Adhesive WI 109 Jointing Technique WI 110 Furniture Finishing 1 WI 111 Assembly Method WI 112 Knife GrindingWI S3 Introduction to Computer WI 201 Industrial Rules and Practices WI 202 Packaging Method and Control WI 203 Quality Control WI 204 Technical Drawing II WI 205 Wood Technology II WI 206 Inventory Control WI 207 Wood Machining and Operation II WI 208 Wood Lamination WI 209 Prototype Making WI 210 Furniture Finishing IIf) Multimodal Transportation Operator Apprenticeship SchemeCode – Modules/ SubjectsCode – Modules/ SubjectsBlock 1Block 2MTO 101 Introduction to Multimodal Transport Operator MTO S1 Workplace Communications MTO 102 Import Freights Forwarding Procedures I MTO 103 Export Freights Forwarding Procedures I MTO S2 Business Writing Skills MTO 104 Basic Business Computing and Communication MTO 105 Basic Use of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) MTO S3 Personal Effectiveness MTO 106 Organising Cargo Transport and Billings MTO 107 Effective Customer Service IMTO 201 Introduction To Multimodal Transport Operator MTO 202 Workplace Communications MTO S4 Import Freights Forwarding Procedures I MTO S5 Export Freights Forwarding Procedures I MTO 203 Business Writing Skills MTO 204 Basic Business Computing And Communication MTO 205 Basic Use Of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) MTO S6 Personal Effectiveness MTO 206 Organising Cargo Transport And Billings MTO 207 Effective Customer Service Ig) Plastics Injection Moulding Apprenticeship SchemeCode – Modules/ SubjectsCode – Modules/ SubjectsLevel 1Level 2PIM S1 Introduction PIM S2 Communication English PIM 101 Safety and Housekeeping PIM 102 Handtools and Practice PIM S3 Basic Understanding of Technical Drawing PIM 103 Material Handling 1 PIM 104 Injection Moulding � Production Processes 1 PIM 105 Parts Runner and Regrind PIM 106 Machine Shutdown PIM 107 MouldsPIM 201 Injection Moulding � Production Processes 2 PIM 202 Quality Control 1 PIM 203 Quality Control 2 PIM 204 Material Handling 2 PIM 205 Jig and Fixtures PIM S4 Plastics Decoration PIM 206 Fundamentals of Production Controlh) Tool & Die Maker (Mould) Apprenticeship SchemeCode – Modules/ SubjectsCode – Modules/ SubjectsLevel 1Level 2TOM S1 Introduction to Tool Making TOM S2 English Communication TOM S3 Mathematics TOM 101 Workshop Safety, Health and Environment TOM 102 Basic Understanding of Technical Drawing TOM 103 Measuring Instruments And Applications TOM 104 Workshop Practice TOM 105 Technical Drawing (2D Computer-Aided Drafting) TOM 106 Engineering Material and Heat Treatment TOM 107 Workshop Machining Technology (Milling, Lathe, Grinding)TOM S4 Workshop Mathematics TOM S5 Quality Control TOM 201 Fundamentals of CNC Programming (2D) TOM 202 Advanced Machining Technology TOM 203 Assemble, Test And Troubleshoot Mould TOM 204 Fundamentals of Two Plate Mould |
English Language Training Programmes for Workers The learning of the English Language is an investment in the current globalising environment as it augments the value of human capital. Fluency and eloquence means being competitive. In a knowledge-based economy, the economic value of the English Language cannot be underestimated. To be able to succeed in a competitive environment, education and training in the English Language are vitally important for the survival of businesses in the current world market. The implementation of the English Language Training Programmes, namely Adult Literacy and Numeracy (ALN), Communication English for Workers (COMEW) and Business English for Executives (BEE) by PSMB aims to increase the level of English Language profi ciency amongst today�s workforce. The programmes implemented under the PERLA Scheme, are subjected to these criteria:-The programmes can be conducted at employers� premises (in-house with external trainers) or offered at training providers� premises (public).Financial assistance is determined at 100%. This is in line with the Government�s efforts to promote the English Language.The course fee for the three programmes will be paid by PSMB to training providers concerned and the amounts incurred will be debited to individual employer�s account under the HRDF.Employers can submit claims for �allowable costs� if applicable; upon the completion of each module, subject to the terms and conditions determined.Training providers have two options to check employers� levy balances and reservations of funds.Funds can be reserved for all three modules prior to the commencement of training and claims must be made upon the completion of each module.Reservation of fund by module is also allowed prior to the commencement of training and claims must be made upon the completion of training. |
Contact Details
Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad
Wisma HRDF
Jalan Beringin
Damansara Heights
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 1800-88-4800
Fax: 03-2096 4999
i. Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad
iii. Training Guide Malaysia (7th Edition)