Y. Bhg. Professor Dato’ Dr. Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, President, Malaysian Association of Professional Speakers
I congratulate Challenger Concept (M) Sdn Bhd for the successful release of this latest edition of Training Guide Malaysia.
Malaysian Association of Professional Speakers (MAPS) is the only professional association for speakers in Malaysia. It represents Malaysia in the International Federation for Professional Speakers (IFFPS), the global body that sets international standards for professional speakers. It is committed to building a greater credibility for the professional speaking business. It strives to help its members grow their speaking business through developing their core professional competencies and adhering to a high level of ethical codes of practice.
For Malaysia to realize its objective of attaining developed nation status by year 2020, it is essential that the country’s workforce be more competent, knowledgeable and highly-motivated to produce world-class quality products and services. The Ninth Malaysia Plan has been fashioned to enhance the level of human capital within our shores. Malaysia needs towering personality in its human capital for sustainable development towards prosperity. Unleashing the human capital potential is indeed necessary.
Human resource departments in the public and private sectors across the nation are in dire need for powerful teachers, speakers and consultants to strengthen their respective workforces. This is where MAPS can play a significant role in making it happen. MAPS is and will remain relevant to the development of Malaysia, catering to the needs of aspiring speakers, especially those in the human resource and development industry. Professional speakers have a very important role to play in ensuring a nation of educated, competent and highly productive workers. They are important in enhancing the level of knowledge and skills.
As President, I am confident that MAPS will enhance the professionalism and uplift the stands of pubic speakers in this country. It is my strong desire to see MAPS serving as a significant resource centre to upgrade and maintain the highest standard for world-class speaking professionals and be an asset to our beloved country, Malaysia.
I take this opportunity to invite speakers and trainers who are not members, to join MAPS. Let us together create a significant impact to the country through excellence in our training offerings and deliveries.

The Malaysian Association of Professional Speakers (MAPS)
H6, Bangunan Khas,Jalan 8/1E
46050 Petaling Jaya
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: 603-7955 4650 Fax 603-7955 2706
Email: info@maps.org.my