The Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII)

The Bureau of Consultancy and Entrepreneurship (BCE), IIUM is a secretariat under the office of Deputy Rector (Internationalisation and Innovation) that acts as a coordinator to facilitate and promote consultancy and business activities of various Strategic Business Units (SBU) and other entities existing in IIUM. The Bureau is also responsible for marketing and commercialising professional services and products available at IIUM.

BCE also acts as the coordinating and regulating body for all external professional activities of IIUM academicians and staff members.

Our Vision

To be the forefront of Consultancy and Entrepreneurship Centre that integrates and upholds the IIUM vision, mission and goals.


Among the objectives of the BCE are:

  • To generate additional revenue for the university and its staff members through proper consultancy and entrepreneurship programs and procedures.
  • To promote and offer quality consultation services and activities that meet the needs of local and international clients and eventually to prove IIUM a world class research and consultation centre.
  • To provide a support service on patenting, licensing, copyright registering, and other legal matters that relate to consultancy and entrepreneurship
  • To create incentives for IIUM’s staff who bring in and are involved in the consultancy projects through schemes like honorariums, fees, bonuses, royalties, shares, grants and/or promotion points
  • To initiate the creation of university industry-linkages in order to market IIUM expertise and services in the contemporary reality.
  • To assist and collaborate with the Kulliyyahs, Excellence Centres and IIUM owned companies in the promotion of consultancy and entrepreneurship services.
  • To coordinate, organise, market and conduct corporate and industrial-linked course and training programmes

Course Outline

Our Distinctive Features

  • The incorporation of Islamic values.
    The pooling of international experts and professionals from among the staff and students of different countries.
  • Interdisciplinary approach.
  • The notable trilingual application of English, Arabic and Malay languages in business, research and consultancy activities.


BCE facilitates, coordinates and promotes the following services:-

Consultancy Services
Contract Research, Collaborative (Sponsored Research), Advisory Services

Event Management
Short Courses, Specialised Training, Seminar, Workshops, Conference and Multimedia Production

Use of Facilities & Equipment
Studios, Laboratories, ICT Lab & Facilities, Clinics, Workshops, Consultancy Spaces.

Entrepreneurship Services
Joint Venture, Incubation, Venture Capital, Technovation Parks and Premises, Property Development and Investment, Project Management.

BCE Website
The BCE website has been launched to exemplify the expertise and services offered by the university professionals and consultants to the world and to promote a secure coordination among IIUM professionals. This website enables consultants to benefit from their consultancy works and projects and acts as a platform for better business ventures, consultancies and researches in future.

The website also provides relevant information pertaining to expertise services, programmes and facilities available at IIUM and the Islamic world for the public and clients to access. We hope this will benefit the Ummah at large and eventually fulfilling the mission of the university.

Contact Info
No 5 Jalan Sri Semantan 1, Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
603-2087 8882/3
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